Anyhow, @ last i've able 2 find a perfect timing for my fOOd post, which is @ night of course =_="
HeHe, b@ck to BusiNEss, it's VeneZia baby!
Time : SunDay Nite
Venue : Somewhere nearby Leisure MaLL area
Attendees : Buddies wif their gals
The diNneR started wif a Wild mushroom & some kind of Vege soup. (Sorry, no photo here coz those ppl eat without waiting for my arrival :( & as usual i'm late, HaHa!)
Then it followed by the main course;
( P/s: Luckily i able to reached ON time.....phew** )

Then it followed by the main course;
( P/s: Luckily i able to reached ON time.....phew** )
Fettucine Alla Pescatora, Mr Anonymous
We got Fettucine Alla Pescatora (Seafood pasta) & another dish which is "I Got the Pic BUt FOrgOtten the Name" pasta....HaHa!
Colourful DriNks but a pale taste :(
Colourful DriNks but a pale taste :(
Filetto Di Manzo.... StiLL REd iNSidE! , Ken with mouth FuLL!
Followed by Lasagne Con pollo & Filetto Di Manzo (a worth tryin' steak with Black pepper sauce topping, ard - RM 35 la)
Followed by Lasagne Con pollo & Filetto Di Manzo (a worth tryin' steak with Black pepper sauce topping, ard - RM 35 la)
Lasagne Con PoLLo , VulCaNo
Vulcano PiZza.....Spicy like a Volcano (or it might just bcoz i'm not a ChiLLi guy)
Not much CoMment on the piZza but Fettucine Alla Pescatora & my "anonymous pasta" are quite worth tryin' :)
Quite FuLL with all those meals thrfore we didn't try out for their dessert, (wat a MiSs...)
The fOOd are overall Ok but need 2improve to provide more DriNKs & some unique dessert in the Menu........& shld close a bit more later. ( we had to head 2maMak bcoz the niGht is tOo YOuNG for us to go home =_=" )
Not much CoMment on the piZza but Fettucine Alla Pescatora & my "anonymous pasta" are quite worth tryin' :)
Quite FuLL with all those meals thrfore we didn't try out for their dessert, (wat a MiSs...)
The fOOd are overall Ok but need 2improve to provide more DriNKs & some unique dessert in the Menu........& shld close a bit more later. ( we had to head 2maMak bcoz the niGht is tOo YOuNG for us to go home =_=" )